In industrial and commercial settings, industrial dehumidifiers are essential when the control of moisture, the dewpoint and relative humidity are crucial in specific applications. Uncontrolled moisture will pose numerous problems in the form of defective product production, building deterioration and unsuitable environments for workers just to name a few.
Because domestically manufactured industrial dehumidifiers must meet strict regulations and standards, the quality of a US-made dehumidifier are often higher than a unit outsourced from other countries where standards are are a second thought.
Why Customers Look for Brands Made in America
To meet strict standards, U.S. manufacturers have to follow strict regulations regarding quality assurance and standards, such as the MET Laboratory listing of UL Safety Standard UL1995 and CSA Standard C22.2 #236. Because of these efforts, you can be confident in the quality and safety of a U.S.-manufactured dehumidifier. Other countries may have little to no quality regulations or standards in place.
In the United States, manufacturers must adhere to additional environmental regulations to reduce environmental impact. Because other countries may not have as stringent environmental standards, producing products overseas contributes to unnecessary pollution during the manufacturing process.
Customers also look to buy a dehumidifier made in the U.S.A. because it helps sustain and grow the American economy and keep jobs at home. Supporting local brands and companies ensures the economy remains robust. These brands and companies provide jobs for Americans, which keeps money circulating in and out of consumers’ pockets through other businesses and government municipalities.
Purchasing outside the U.S. can cause customer support, shipping and logistical issues which can result in lost profits due to supply chain issues and delayed product delivery. Purchasing from a domestic manufacturer ensures your product is delivered promptly.
Why Dehumidifiers are Important
Dehumidifiers provide a range of benefits to a wide array of industries In the manufacturing industry. A dehumidifier improves product quality, creates safer products, and produces less waste. In food production, it is important to maintain a low-humidity environment to prevent food contamination which puts consumers at risk.
In commercial establishments, dehumidifiers improve air quality and keep personnel and visitors safe by preventing the formation of mildew and mold. They also maintain a comfortable climate and environment to provide optimal working conditions. In addition to these, industrial dehumidifiers offer many more benefits, including:
- Faster drying times
- Product quality maintenance
- Eliminates the need for seasonal adjustments
- Ensures product purity
Dehumidifier Corporation of America (DCA) Products & Applications
DCA manufactures a range of American-made, air-cooled, non-water heating assisted or water-heating assisted dehumidifiers. Our models include:
- Horizontal Dehumidifiers: This dehumidifier configuration is available with air discharge ports at either the top or bottom of the unit to accommodate the existing ductwork. These systems are appropriate for facilities where the existing ductwork is compatible or when replacing a horizontal unit from another manufacturer.
- Vertical Dehumidifiers: Vertical dehumidifier systems save space and are ideal for areas where floor space is limited. DCA’s vertical dehumidifiers are available in left- or right-side returns with top or side discharge outlets.
- Replacement Dehumidifiers: DCA is committed to staying on the cutting edge of manufacturing processes and techniques, and we are capable of providing top-of-the-line replacements for any outdated or defective models even if they were supplied by another manufacturer.
- Unique application dehumidifiers that are custom designed to meet a specific dew point application. Many times a specific air flow is needed to fit a custom application that is out of the realm of a standard product line dehumidifier.
Spaces that naturally build high levels of humidity or condensation are common applications that require dehumidification. Humidity levels in these rooms can be high enough to create an uncomfortable environment for patrons. High-humidity environments are at risk for microbial growth that exposes patrons to health risks and poor air quality. We offer the following dehumidification solutions:
- Industrial Dehumidifiers
- Hotel, Residential, & Therapy Indoor Pool Room Dehumidification.
- Indoor Grow House Dehumidifiers
- 100% Outdoor Dehumidification Systems
- Dehumidifiers for fresh or wastewater treatment facilities
- Replacement dehumidification systems
- Custom Dehumidification Systems
Why Dehumidifier Corporation of America?
DCA has been helping customers with their dehumidification needs and challenges since 1995. We specialize in manufacturing state-of-the-art dehumidifiers made in the USA with highly competitive pricing compared to industry rates.
Industrial dehumidifiers offer a variety of benefits for industrial and commercial spaces from maintaining comfortable environments to ensuring safety. Whether it’s a new dehumidifier, a replacement dehumidifier, or a custom-built dehumidifier, we will provide a high-quality solution for your application.
To learn more, take a look at our catalog or contact us to see how we can help with an engineered solution for your dehumidification needs.