The Problem
The fresh water treatment facility in Foxboro, MA required a dehumidifier to control moisture related problems during the warm humid months.
Water treatment facilities with pipe galleries, large water pumps, and various states of filtration tanks suffer from rusting and condensation on cold surfaces. Many of these are located below ground where cool conditions are common causing moisture to form on cold floors and walls. The above conditions compound the problem when trying to dehumidify with affordable conventional DX or refrigerant based dehumidifiers as most of these units operate with space conditions at 70°F or above.
The Solution
DCA’s rep in the area, R.P. O’Connell Inc. in Natick along with DCA applications engineers selected a DCA1500T-PC dehumidifier to supply dry air for the smaller pipe gallery and a larger DCA5500T-PC for the larger pump room. These custom dehumidifiers are designed for “low temp” applications operating as low as 60°F.

The Results
The custom low temp dehumidifiers maintain desired relative humidity when the entering air temperature is below that of conventional dehumidifiers. These DCA dehumidifiers maintain relative humidity below the dew point of the metal surfaces preventing condensation leading up to rusting and corrosion and prevent condensation on the cold floors and walls where mold can develop.
Find out more information on Commercial Dehumidifiers and Industrial Dehumidifiers.