The primary function of an indoor pool room dehumidification system is to preserve the integrity of the room’s structure by controlling relative humidity. Pool room natatoriums have very specific construction parameters that designers must take into consideration during a project’s planning stages.
Greenhouse Dehumidifiers | A Grower’s Humidity Control Guide
Greenhouses are essential for the year-round cultivation of fruits, vegetables, and other plants, but they pose some unique humidity and climate control challenges. The space can get especially warm during the day, then as the outside temperature drops at night, condensation can form on cooler surfaces. Changing temperatures and humidity levels don’t allow for optimal […]
Outdoor Air Dehumidifiers 101: Types and Applications
In humid climates, outdoor dehumidifiers are a practical solution for creating a more comfortable indoor environment. These versatile systems can be ducted into the air handling unit (AHU) or placed directly in the room, if necessary. As they remove the stale or odor-filled air from a home, office, or other space, they dehumidify the make-up […]
Industrial Dehumidifiers 101: A Complete Guide
Industrial dehumidifiers are normally separated into two distinct types, refrigerated and desiccant. Generally refrigerated dehumidifiers are specified for applications where dew points of 50 degrees and higher are required. Desiccant dehumidifiers are specified when dew points of less than 50 degrees are required. The information below will concern itself with refrigerated dehumidifiers only.
Industrial Dehumidifiers “Made in the USA”
In industrial and commercial settings, industrial dehumidifiers are essential when the control of moisture, the dewpoint and relative humidity are crucial in specific applications. Uncontrolled moisture will pose numerous problems in the form of defective product production, building deterioration and unsuitable environments for workers just to name a few. Because domestically manufactured industrial dehumidifiers must […]
When to Consider a Custom Dehumidifier
While there is a wide range of standard catalog dehumidifying systems available to suit various industrial dehumidifier applications, many applications may require specialized solutions to obtain the required result. With custom designed dehumidifiers, you can create a precise humidity control system for most of your specific applications.
Commercial Dehumidifiers for Assorted Applications
Climate and humidity control are major considerations for businesses in a wide range of industries where the control of relative humidity and dew point are crucial. The following are several, but not limited to, examples including hotels/motels, fitness centers, warehousing facilities pharmaceuticals, museums, water treatment plants, packaging, printing industry and outdoor makeup air. Uncontrolled humidity […]
The Benefits of Indoor Pool Room Dehumidification
An indoor pool, whether it’s at home or a hotel, spa, or gym, can be one of life’s greatest pleasures or your worst nightmare depending on how well you control the room’s humidity. Children and adults alike love to splash in the water and enjoy the security, comfort, and convenience of an indoor setting any […]
Outdoor Make-Up Air 101: What Is It & Common Applications
Air quality in your home, office or industrial facility is greatly affected by ventilation systems throughout the building. Ventilation applications help to control excess moisture, temperature, and odors in the building by introducing dehumidified, heated or cooled fresh air from the outdoors. Without fresh air from the outdoors, your air quality may still be poor. […]
What to Consider When Selecting a Dehumidifier For Your Industrial Application
The type of dehumidification system you select will dictate how well it performs within your industrial space. For example, selecting a system that is too small will not remove the proper amount of moisture from the facility. Having the proper commercial dehumidifier is necessary to protect a wide variety of facilities from corrosion to equipment, […]
Tags: industrial dehumidifier